Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mexico. Show all posts

Friday 10 March 2023




Seven poems written by Brenda Mohammed of Trinidad and Tobago were published by the EXILO binational newspaper for New York and Mexico, by columnist Marcia Batista Ramos, a Bolivian poet.

Here is the news report:

Brenda Mohammed is an award-winning and bestselling author who has published 53 books.

She is the founder of How to Write for Success Literary Network, President of the International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART] Trinidad and Tobago, and President of the Hispanic World Writers Union - Trinidad and Tobago

Here is a sample of her work:


 We all feel a little depressed sometimes.

But let's learn to take one day at a time.

Life is truly a maze of ups and downs.

The choices we make will eliminate the frown.

When we set our goals a little too high,

Disappointment can make us cry.

Keep doing your best and don't worry.

Let life unfold for you, it is your story.

Some days the sun will shine brightly.

On other days it can rain very hard.

What does it matter if things go wrong?

Never let it stop you from staying strong.

Things cannot always go well.

The black dots are dotted among the bright ones.

Don't let anyone make you feel less

You are a child of God and truly blessed.



 Love is not a whirlwind of words describing sensual emotions.

Love is not something temporary; it is a deep devotion.

The feelings that love provokes are not superficial.

They penetrate the heart with each beat.

Marriage is an equal partnership and an intimate union.

It is a legal contract between a man and a woman.

Unite their lives legally, financially and emotionally.

Love is the main factor that unites them for sure.

Nobody is perfect, and nobody is better than the other.

When there are minor disagreements, don't run away with someone else.

Simple words like "Thank you" and "I'm sorry" mean a lot.

Pay attention to what your loved one has to say; Give it a shot.

Lies and broken promises should never be the norm.

Such deceit and selfish acts only raise a storm.

Love needs work from both partners to grow.

Remember the proverb: "We reap what we sow."



 On the train that day he looked,

As he wrote in his autograph book,

"Roses are red, violets are blue.

Sugar is sweet, but not as sweet as you.

Years later, he stopped when he heard that song.

Thinking of him and wondering what went wrong.

He left the world, and she wondered aloud.

What would have happened if he had not gone abroad?

They were high school kids when they met on the train.

She remembered the day they ran from the rain.

They traveled in groups and glimpsed each other.

On graduation day, he received his love letter.

He was going abroad to continue his education.

He wished that she could join him there on a vacation.

But she had other plans and tore up her letter.

He embarked on a lucrative career and a bright future.

He didn't give up and came back when he was qualified.

To her surprise, he proposed to her and she was mortified.

She was already engaged to be married and it broke her heart.

When she told him, he saw it in her eyes as she broke down.

Years later he saw her again with his wife.

He said he wanted to tell her everything about his life.

After spending more than an hour in his office talking.

She politely told him that she had another appointment waiting.



 Passion is a strong and uncontrollable emotion.

It is described as a very strong inclination,

Towards an activity that you love and are attracted to.

You can be passionate in everything you do.

Passion is usually related to a romantic feeling.

Strong emotions of love can make you reel.

When feelings for someone become very intense.

Obsessive passion can infuriate you.

For me, a loving home is the number one priority.

Success would mean nothing without family.

Literature and travel also fill me with passion.

So too, music and art give me fuel for action.

The love and passion that Christ felt for humanity,

He made him suffer and die so enormously.

There are numerous ways to describe passion.

It is an impulse to do what you love with a solid conviction.



 It's a family fun ritual every sunrise,

As you wake up to the birdsong outside.

The swaying of the branches in the breeze,

That miserable alarm clock does not please.

You run downstairs to the kitchen sink,

For water to prepare your favorite morning drink.

The addictive smell opens your eyes to a new day.

A brimming cup makes you happy and joyful.

Without it, you cannot survive the tasks of the day,

At a time when you are required to wear masks.

Every sip adds energy to everything you do.

People all over the world also love that drink.






Some people are easily fooled by the opinions of others.

Unable to think for themselves, they cause more trouble.

They blindly follow others and do everything they say.

Without verifying facts, for falsehoods, they fall prey.

Peace begins with each one of us and our behavior.

First, do everything you can to help solve the problem.

Be brave, stand up for the truth. and not constant friction.

Walk away if something doesn't seem right in a situation.

Listening to falsehoods and tolerating wrongdoing,

It will cause breaks in relationships and bad interactions.

God blessed each of us with a mind of our own.

We will have to answer to him on the throne of judgment.



 Crime, abuse, environmental pollution,

Lack of love for our brothers and sisters,

Selfishness, anger, jealousy and greed,

It will continue to produce bad seed.

Elimination of these contaminants must be our goal.

In our ultimate goal of making a better world.

The change must start with each one of us.

It must start deep in our hearts.

Parents should take the leadership role,

Our children are the future of the world.

Guide them on the right path.

And protect them from straying.

 *Copyright @Brenda Mohamed