Monday 14 October 2024




Brenda Mohammed has been nominated for the Mar De Cristal Barcelona 2024 in Literature by CIESART GLOBAL and its President. Lily Baylon. The Awards will be presented on 14th. and 15th.December 2024, in Spain. The awards consist of a crystal medal, a Diploma, and a document confirming the different awards by category.


Brenda Mohammed from Trinidad and Tobago is a former Bank Manager who published 61 books in multiple genres and wrote a five-series screenplay for her sci-fi thriller Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka. Among her publications are 18 poetry books of enlightening poems.

Reviewers have compared her futuristic novel, Zeeka Chronicles, to Frankenstein, Twilight Zone, and Shakespeare’s plays, and some have said it is movie material. Brenda captured awards from Readers’ Favorite International, Author Academy Global Awards, and Readers’ Choice for this sci-fi thriller.

Brenda’s genres include memoirs, science fiction, romance, self-help, mystery thrillers, children’s books, psychological thrillers, Christian books, poetry, and poetry anthologies.

Her memoir ‘I Am Cancer Free’ also won an award for Health and Fitness in Readers’ Favorite International Awards 2018.

Barry Holmes Mysteries, a mystery fiction also won several awards. The book received a five-star review from Readers' Favorite International in September 2021. For this book, Brenda won the Culture, Literature, and Research [CLR] Award in India for Best Writer- Fantasy. On World Book Day in April 2023, the book received a certificate of recognition from The International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART], Spain. In May 2024, Barry Holmes Mysteries was a finalist in the Independent Author Awards 2024 hosted by Literary Global Awards.

Her Romance stories are filled with humour, mystery, suspense, and unexpected endings.

The memoirs of her Life as a Banker and her Travel Memoirs are delightful.

Brenda was recently inspired to write Christian books and to date, she has published nine of them.

She loves to share her knowledge and wrote three books on How to Write for Success, and Self-Publishing tips for new and aspiring authors. How to Write for Success received a five-star review from Readers Favorite one month after its publication in December 2017. In August 2019 it topped all the books in the Non-Fiction category of Connections Emagazine Readers' Choice awards and won the gold medal in the category of non-fiction. It also placed second in all categories and won the silver medal. Brenda's romance novel, 'Stories People Love,' was the first-place winner in that contest and won the gold medal for placing first in all categories.

The merits of the book HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS were featured in a review in the Ethiopian Herald Sunday Edition on February 16th, 2020.

She won several literary awards in 45 countries - the USA, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, India, Romania, Argentina, Ukraine, Morocco, Philippines, Oman, Hong Kong, Portugal, Uruguay, Indonesia, Barcelona, Madrid, Paris, Switzerland, Italy, Sri Lanka, Austria, Russia, Germany, Syria, Portugal, Czech Republic, Hungary, Chile, Egypt, Honduras, Mexico, Pakistan, Cuba, China, Venezuela, Puerto Rico, Columbia, Ecuador, Bosnia, Japan, Greece, Trinidad and Tobago, and the UK.

Brenda also received several awards from CIESART Spain. In 2024 she was honoured with the PLATO AWARD The values highlighted by PLATO are Wisdom, Temperance, Courage, Justice, and more, and the Dante Alighieri Award for active cultural management. 

CIESART GLOBAL nominated her for the Mar De Cristal

 Barcelona Award in Literature in 2021, 2022, 2023, and 2024.

Brenda and her family have travelled extensively throughout the world.

She has conducted book signings, hosted Book Fairs in Trinidad and Tobago, and donated books to schools, libraries, and churches.

She is an advocate for Peace, Suicide Prevention, and Against Domestic Violence.

She is the Founder of the Facebook Forum, ‘How to Write for Success Literary Network,’ and National President for Trinidad and Tobago for:

1.       International Chamber of Writers and Artists [CIESART] - Spain,

2.       UniĆ³n Hispanomundial de Escritores - Peru.

3.       The Global Federation of Leadership and High Intelligence A.C. - Mexico.

Brenda is also a Peace Ambassador for the Iqra Foundation of India.

Sunday 13 October 2024




My first attempt to venture into cinematic stories seemed hopeful.

I entered the contest with and won more than the 1000 votes required to make the first series in my five-series sci-fi thriller Zeeka Chronicles into a Cinebook.

Things were going fine until it was time to sign the contract. I was told that because Trinidad and Tobago was not a member of the European Union they could not proceed.

I heard nothing further from them, but my book is still listed as one of their projects.


In August 2022, I decided to get a screenplay written for my five-series sci-fi thriller. I arranged with a screenwriter from Stage 32, but he got into an accident and could not do it. I then asked the daughter of a close friend but she got a new job and could not find the time. I did a crash course and wrote the screenplay myself.

I submitted pitches for both the pilot and series.

Here are both the positive and negative responses.





POSITIVE: I like how the story keeps you interested and makes you want to keep reading it. I also like how you combine futuristic technology with elements of zombie horror.

NEGATIVE:  clarity is required with high-tech settings and Zeeka’s motivation.



POSITIVE: Hi, thank you for sharing this pitch with me. I like that the theme is good triumphing over evil after an event that happened 20 years before. The setting in South America, with the backdrop of Carnival, could make this visually attractive. It is also interesting that this is based on reality with the Zika virus as the inciting incident.

NEGATIVE: Clarity is required with set- up of the series and clarity with Steven Sharpe and Grady.



 ZEEKA CHRONICLES – Five-series sci-fi thriller

 POSITIVE: This was definitely one of the most unique pitches I've ever read! I love that the inspiration came from a real-life crisis and that Brenda has taken it in such an imaginative direction.  Like I said, this was one of the most imaginative pitches I've ever seen, but I think it's a little too ambitious for me! I wish Brenda good luck with it though because I think it would make an incredibly entertaining series!"

NEGATIVE: Too ambitious. Unclear as to how Janet and Mandy relate to the rest of the story or what were their motivations.

I am re-writing and not giving up.

Here is the blurb for the book:


When 51 programmable zombies unleash chaos and death on spectators at a Carnival event on the tourist haven of Gosh Island, local police, detectives, and a man kidnapped as a boy by their Master, must hunt down Master Zeeka before he kills again.
The fictional series is set in 2036 on an imaginary island, off the coast of South America, well-known for fabulous beaches, resorts, and annual Carnival celebrations.
This science-fiction thriller with lingering themes of human flaws, evil, and good, is purely the author's imagination, inspired by the zika virus in 2016.
Reviewers have compared this futuristic sci-fi thriller five-book series to Frankenstein, Twilight Zone, and Shakespeare’s plays, and some have said it is movie material.
Zombies and robots take center stage.
The mind-blowing episodes begin in Zeeka and the Zombies Series 1 and continue in Zeeka’s Child Series 2, Zeeka Returns Series 3, Zeeka’s Ghost Series 4, and Resurrection Series 5.
The excitement builds with each series as the detectives unearth more clues, and the author succeeds in pulling the various strands together to offer a breath-taking conclusion, where good triumphs over evil.
This futuristic thriller was an award winner in the Category -Young Adult Thriller in Reader's Favorite International Awards 2018, winner in Science Fiction in SIBA Awards 2017, winner of the gold award in the category Science Fiction in Connections Emagazine Readers' Choice Awards 2018, and winner in the top ten finalists for science-fiction in the Author Academy Global Awards 2018.
The International Chamber of Writers and Artists in Spain gave the book an award in April 2023, on the occasion of World Book Day.
Reader's Favorite International gave it a five-star review.
Here is an extract of that review::
"Zeeka Chronicles is a thoughtful series and would delight fans of the genre.
Brenda Mohammed is an author brimming with original ideas, and definitely an author to follow."

Tuesday 8 October 2024



I submitted my written pitch for a screenplay for Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka, a five-series sci-fi thriller to a producer.
I was amazed at the nice things he said about it, but he passed on it as he was unclear how two characters related to the rest of the story. 
I did say that Janet married Dr. Raynor Sharpe, the protagonist's brother, Dr. Steven Sharpe. 
I also said that Mandy was the wife of Steven Sharpe, the protagonist.

Here is what he wrote:

Pitch Feedback:

"This was definitely one of the most unique pitches I've ever read! I love that the inspiration came from a real-life crisis and that Brenda has taken it in such an imaginative direction. I have to admit I found the episode summary a little difficult to follow. There were a few characters who appeared in the episodes who hadn't been described before (Janet, Mandy) and I was unclear how they were related to the rest of the story or what their motivations were. Like I said, this was one of the most imaginative pitches I've ever seen, but I think it's a little too ambitious for me! I wish Brenda good luck with it though because I think it would make an incredibly entertaining series!"

A pitch must not exceed two pages, and to expand on the pitch will take more than two pages.


CREATED    BY:     Brenda Mohammed

FORMAT: One Hour          [serialized]    TV      Sci-Fi Thriller,          Dark          Fantasy

LOGLINE:    When 51 programmable zombies unleash chaos and death on spectators at a Carnival event on the tourist haven of Gosh Island, local police, detectives, and a doctor kidnapped by Zeeka as a child, must hunt down Master Zeeka before he kills again.                

COMPARISON:      Twilight Zone, Frankenstein, Shakespeare’s Plays.

WHY  THIS  STORY: The fictional futuristic sci-fi thriller is set in 2036 on an imaginary island, off the coast of South America, well-known for fabulous beaches, resorts, and annual Carnival celebrations. The story is purely the author’s imagination, inspired by the zika virus in 2016. Zombies and robots take centre stage and good triumphs over evil. 


Chief of Police Bill Grady [Master Zeeka]– Antagonist

Bill Grady is the Chief of Police on the island of Gosh.  Grady kidnapped Dr. Steven Sharpe when he was seven, changed his name, threatened to kill his family if he tried to escape, sent him to medical school, and used him to create a vaccine for pregnant women infected with the zika virus. Grady used the vaccine to create zombies in a revenge plot against the hospital because his wife was infected with the virus, died in childbirth, and his son was born with a brain deformity.

Dr. Jason Stephens a.k.a Dr. Steven Sharpe – Protagonist 

Dr. Jason Stephens is Dr. Steven Sharpe and the brother of Dr. Raynor Sharpe. He is a scientist who created a vaccine to prevent microcephaly from affecting the unborn babies in pregnant women infected with the zika virus, but was used for evil purposes by Grady who kidnapped him when he was seven years old, changed his name, and put him through medical school.  Police suspect Jason of being Master Zeeka, and he seeks to prove his innocence and true identity.

Dr. Raynor Sharpe – Lead Character

Raynor Sharpe is a gynaecologist at Gosh Hospital. He saw an army of zombies marching outside his beach-front home but no one took him seriously until the massacre at the carnival event. Raynor is the brother of Dr. Steven Sharpe but neither one knows it yet.


Zeeka and the Zombies is series one in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Dr. Raynor Sharpe sees zombies marching outside his beachfront home and they suddenly disappear. A zombie named Number Nine goes to Gosh Hospital to warn Dr. Brown about an impending massacre by his Master Zeeka. In February 2036, 51 programmable killer zombies disguised as a sailor band, unleash weapons at a Carnival event. One hundred and twenty-five people die, seventy-five are maimed for life, and all zombies disintegrate into ash. Police are not clear if Number Nine died in the shoot-out. A manhunt begins for Master Zeeka. Intertwined in this episode is a love story between Dr. Raynor Sharpe and Dr. Janet Jones who marry.

 Zeeka's Child is the second series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. While police are searching for Dr. Jason Stephens, Detective Jack Wildy discovers a flash drive revealing the face of the real perpetrator, Chief of Police Bill Grady. Dr. Jason Stephens gives another flash drive to Janet to deliver to Dr, Raynor Sharpe, confirming Wildy’s discovery, and about the child Master Zeeka [ Grady] kidnapped forty years ago. Raynor and Steven reunite as brothers. Police find evidence of nine flesh-eating zombies in Grady’s basement and start a manhunt for him and the nine zombies.

Zeeka Returns is the third series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. Zeeka [ Grady] abandons his zombies in the forest and goes to the home of Dr. Raynor Sharpe to look for Steven Sharpe. Janet’s helper, Miranda, a beautiful robot, uses her taekwondo skills to capture Zeeka when she sees him holding a gun. The police shrink zombies and demolish them with high-tech weapons found in Grady’s bag. They slap Grady with more than 200 charges to which he confesses. He asks to see Steven and tells him why he committed the crimes. He begs Steven for forgiveness for kidnapping him as a child, and Steven refuses. When Steven leaves, Grady commits suicide.

Zeeka's Ghost is the fourth series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. A strong wind throws down Zeeka’s urn. it falls and breaks into pieces, his ashes scatter in Steven’s study, and Zeeka’s ghost appears to Steven. The ghost begs Steven for forgiveness and he again refuses. However, the ghost saves Mandy, Steven’s wife, from dangerous kidnappers and Steven forgives him. Zeeka leaves the world in peace.

Resurrection is the fifth series in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Number Nine, the zombie, who police thought was dead in the massacre at the Carnival event in February 2036 is alive. Mandy's robot helper, Eve, encounters him in the backyard, records the conversation on her security device, and plays it for Steven. Number Nine collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, and Eve alerts the Gosh hospital. Tests and records confirm he is Number Nine, he is not a zombie and is the biological son of Bill Grady – Master Zeeka, who made him grow up with zombies because he was misdiagnosed with microcephaly- a disease associated with the zika virus that infected his mother who died in childbirth 22 years ago.  Raynor helps Number Nine choose Nieman Grady as his legal name, and Steven cures him of his brain ailment, Craniosynostosis, with his new invention CrainX.  Steven is the new hero in Gosh because his miracle cures and inventions replace Carnival Tourism with Medical Tourism.      

I am at a loss as to what I should do to get an agent to ask for my script to read it.
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka is a futuristic sci-fi thriller set in  2036, and time is running out before it is no longer futuristic.
Dear readers, please comment.

Thursday 3 October 2024




It is a great honour for me to be nominated by CIESART GLOBAL for the International Gold Pergamin Award. 2024.  Here is an extract of the publication to inform me.

"Please be informed that you are NOMINATED for the International Official Awards.


Ladies and Gentlemen

Nominees for the CIESART International Official Awards 2024

Attention. -

From our consideration:

Cordially greeting you we make it your knowledge that our Organization CIESART, with a legal personality in three countries, registered in the Kingdom of Spain and identified with a NIF number registered in the National Register of the Ministry of the Interior.

In the Republic of Peru identified with RUC number registered in the Public Registers dependent on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights & in the Federal State of Switzerland identified with CHE number, registered in the Commercial Register that depends on the SECO State Secretariat.

All our Awards have a work protection registration number in the Bern Convention register, first signed on 9 September 1886.

The results are irrevocable.

The presentation of Awards, Medals, Recognitions, and Prizes will be held in a Special Program with live interviews, under the framework of the V International Congress of Writers & Artists CIESART 2024 at the Ducal Palace of Medinaceli on December 14 and 15, 2024

(The Palace of Medinaceli in Spain is located 1 hour and 15 minutes from Madrid, Spain).

And upon accepting or requesting the nomination, accept the rules and conditions of the competition.


Third Edition

III Golden Scroll

Lima Peru from Barcelona 2024."

Brenda Mohammed became a member of CIESART GLOBAL in 2021 and was appointed as the National President of CIESART TRINIDAD in 2022. This is the fourth year Brenda has been nominated and awarded by CIESART GLOBAL.

She was nominated in 2021, and 2022 for the SEA CRYSTAL AWARD IN LITERATURE, and in 2023 for Culture.

She received the Palma De Mar – Paris,  Patricio Vivanco Williams Award, Dante, Plato, and Shakespeare Awards, among many others.

Friday 27 September 2024





The magnets on my fridge’s door tell many stories.

My travels of many years are filled with sweet memories.

I have been to several countries in parts of the world.

Many poems and stories about them I have written and told.


I have visited New York, London, Germany, Holland, and Toronto,

Anaheim, Catalina, Colorado, New Orleans, Buffalo,

Los Angeles, Hollywood, Vegas, New York, and Paris,

Barcelona, Madrid, Rome, Florence, and Venice.


Curacao, Florida, Margarita, Virginia, St. Lucia, and Anguilla,

Orlando, Tampa, Naples, Key West, and Hialeah,

Puerto Rico, Barbados, Bahamas, Coco Cay, St. Maarten, and Antigua,

Miami, Switzerland, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Berlin, and Cartagena.


I sailed aboard the vessel Creole Queen,

On the River Mississippi in New Orleans.

Rode on a tour bus to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado.

On a cruise ship, we sailed to Cozumel, Mexico.


It was a dream to visit the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the Vatican in Rome,

The breathtaking Trevi Fountain,  and the historical Colosseum.

Such a delight to explore the beautiful countryside in Florence,

How amazing and exciting it was to sail on a Gondola in Venice!


The Louvre in Paris and the Leaning Tower of Pisa thrilled me.

I can never forget the Spanish Steps in Rome, the Eternal City.

Stratford upon Avon, where Shakespeare was born.

And a picnic on the Walton Mariner on the River Thames in London.


Adventures with Royal Caribbean Majesty of the Seas and Liberty of the Seas.

Boat tour in New York to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty.

Cruising on the River Rhine in Dusseldorf, Germany.

And a tour of the Quartier Renaissance in Lyon, France to sightsee.


Riding on the Euro star to El Poble and Toledo,

Both places in Spain are famous for Spanish Gold.

The CN Tower in Toronto is so very high.

I thought the elevator would take me to the sky.


And here is a verse about my country of birth.

Trinidad and Tobago is a hospitable country of mirth.

You will love the island life, beaches, and sunshine.

No matter where I roam, Trinidad and Tobago will always be home.


Travel, see the world, and leave your footprints behind.

Enjoy God’s Creation while you are alive.

May your journeys bring you stories to tell and more.

Happy  World Tourism Day on September 27th, 2024.


Copyright@Brenda Mohammed.


Wednesday 18 September 2024



ZEEKA AND THE ZOMBIES: Dr. Raynor Sharpe has a vision of zombies and finds out that a zombie named Number Nine has visited the Gosh Hospital to warn the Chief Medical Officer, Dr. George Brown, that fifty others were planning to attack the hospital in a revenge plot by their Master Zeeka.

ZEEKA'S CHILDSecrets, lies, human flaws, and ‘skeletons in cupboards’ are revealed and exposed in Zeeka's Child, the second episode of the five-book science fiction series Revenge of Zeeka. Who is the mystery Master Zeeka and who is Zeeka's child?

ZEEKA RETURNS: Action, adventure, high-tech weapons, zombies, and robots in Zeeka Returns, the third book in the five-book science fiction series Revenge of Zeeka: will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Sixty programmable zombies with one sinister goal in mind, 
'to seek and destroy' deepen the suspense and drama of the story.

REVENGE OF ZEEKA: HORROR TRILOGY: The island of Gosh is under attack by an army of zombies under the command of a vengeful science genius. In the year 2016, the Zika virus broke out in Central and South America with life-threatening effects on pregnant women. Given a choice to save the mothers or the unborn babies, a decision was made to save the mothers. The tiny stillborns were securely and secretly buried. Only a few people knew of this. Unknown to everyone, however, a certain scientist managed to get hold of all 51 bodies, bring them back to life, and condition them to follow his command, creating a perfect army of zombies. Now, twenty years later, the evil scientist seeks revenge on those he holds responsible for the stillbirths.

ZEEKA'S GHOST: What happens when a strong wind throws down Zeeka’s urn and it falls and breaks, his ashes scatter in Steven’s study, and Zeeka’s ghost appears to Dr. Steven Sharpe whom Zeeka had kidnapped as a child?

RESURRECTION: Someone resurrected and it is not Zeeka. Number Nine, the zombie, who police thought was dead in the massacre at the Carnival event in February 2036 is alive. Mandy's robot helper, Eve, encounters a stranger in the backyard. When Eve tells him she is a robot, he tells her his story. Eve promises to keep their discussion a secret but records the conversation on her security device and plays it for Steven and Mandy. What happens next is the grand finale.


Thursday 12 September 2024




When Master Zeeka unleashes chaos and death on spectators at a Carnival event on the tourist haven of Gosh Island, local police, detectives, and a doctor kidnapped by Zeeka as a child, must hunt down Master Zeeka before he kills again.       

REVIEWERS COMPARISON:      Twilight Zone, Frankenstein, Shakespeare’s Plays.

WHY  THIS  STORY: The fictional futuristic sci-fi thriller is set in 2036 on an imaginary island, off the coast of South America, well-known for fabulous beaches, resorts, and annual Carnival celebrations. The story is purely the author's imagination, inspired by the zika virus in 2016. Zombies and robots take centre stage and Good triumphs over Evil.   

Zeeka and the Zombies is series one in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Dr. Raynor Sharpe sees zombies marching outside his beachfront home and they suddenly disappear. A zombie named Number Nine goes to Gosh Hospital to warn Dr. Brown about an impending massacre by his Master Zeeka. In February 2036, 51 programmable killer zombies disguised as a sailor band, unleash weapons at a Carnival event. One hundred and twenty-five people die, seventy-five are maimed for life, and all zombies disintegrate into ash. Police are not clear if Number Nine died in the shoot-out. A manhunt begins for Master Zeeka. Intertwined in this episode is a love story between Dr. Raynor Sharpe and Dr. Janet Jones who marry.

 Zeeka's Child is series two in the five-series sci-fi thriller. Police search for Master Zeeka.  They are searching for Dr. Jason Stephens but chasing the wrong suspect.  Detective Jack Wildy discovers a flash drive revealing the face of the real perpetrator, Chief of Police Bill Grady. Dr. Jason Stephens gives another flash drive to Janet to deliver to Dr, Raynor Sharpe, confirming Wildy’s discovery, and about the child Master Zeeka [ Grady] kidnapped forty years ago. Grady disappears and the police start a manhunt for him. Raynor and Steven unite as brothers.

Zeeka Returns is the third series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. Zeeka [ Grady] abandons his zombies in the forest and goes to the home of Dr. Raynor Sharpe to look for Steven Sharpe. Janet’s helper, Miranda, a beautiful robot, uses her taekwondo skills to capture Zeeka when she sees him holding a gun. The police shrink zombies and demolish them with high-tech weapons found in Grady’s bag. They slap Grady with more than 200 charges and he confesses. He asks to see Steven to beg forgiveness for kidnapping him as a child and tries to explain why he did so. Steven refuses to forgive him and Zeeka commits suicide.

Zeeka's Ghost is the fourth series in the five-series sci-fi thriller. A strong wind throws down Zeeka’s urn and it falls and breaks, his ashes scatter in Steven’s study, and Zeeka’s ghost appears to Dr. Steven Sharpe whom Zeeka had kidnapped as a child. The ghost begs Steven for forgiveness and saves Mandy, Steven’s wife, from dangerous kidnappers. Steven forgives him and Zeeka leaves the world in peace.

Resurrection:  Series 5 is the grand finale in the five-series sci-fi thriller.  Number Nine, the zombie, who police thought was dead in the massacre at the Carnival event in February 2036 is alive. Mandy's robot helper, Eve, encounters him in the backyard, records the conversation on her security device, and plays it for Steven and Mandy. Number Nine collapses in the backyard with an epileptic fit, and Eve alerts the Gosh hospital. 

Tests and records confirm he is Number Nine, he is not a zombie and is the biological son of Bill Grady – Master Zeeka, who made him grow up with zombies because he was misdiagnosed with microcephaly- a disease associated with the zika virus that infected his mother who died in childbirth 22 years ago. Police speculate that the reason Number Nine’s killer gadgets were turned off at the massacre in February 2036 was because Bill Grady did not want him to die.

Raynor helps Number Nine choose Nieman Grady as his legal name, and Steven cures him of his brain ailment, Craniosynostosis with his new invention.  

Dr.Steven Sharpe is the new hero in Gosh because his miracle cures and inventions replace Carnival Tourism with Medical Tourism.