Showing posts with label Zeeka Chronicles gold award. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Zeeka Chronicles gold award. Show all posts

Sunday 5 August 2018

Zeeka Chronicles - Gold Award Winner in EMagazine Readers Choice 2018

The results are out. I am so excited.A very big Thank You to all who Voted.
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka is the Gold Winner in Emagazine Readers Choice Awards 2018 in the Category Science Fiction and Fantasy.
This is the second award received by Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka since it was published in 2017.
In 2017 the book won a bronze award in the category science fiction from Metamorph Publishing.
In addition, Readers Favorite gave the book a five-star review and five-star seal in September 2017.

Why I wrote Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka.

I wrote this book to highlight the fact that improvement in modern technology and scientific improvements in the medical field can never improve the minds of individuals.
The book is set in the year 2036 when there is a great advancement in medical and information technology.
It is a high-tech world.
Robots act as home helpers and police use high tech weaponry, electric cars, and smartphones.
The hospitals are well equipped with state of the art equipment and doctors and scientists are making significant breakthroughs and inventing cures for patients with critical illnesses.
Yet, in that high-tech world, the minds of human beings did not change.
Can Mankind ever achieve a sinless state?
Will human beings forever continue to foster greed, malice, anger, jealousy, and the desire to control and take revenge?
When I was born, there was no electricity and therefore no refrigerators, air-conditioning, televisions, telephones, and amenities in our homes like we have today.
Education was not even a priority and there were not many schools and universities.
Today, in spite of all the new and advanced developments, crime has increased to unstoppable levels.
What will change humanity?
Modern inventions and new technology will never change the evil minds of men.
In the book of John 3: Verse 7, Jesus said, “Ye must be born again.”

About the book

Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka is about a vengeful man who misuses science for revenge in the year 2036 to create havoc in a small exotic island named Gosh.
He is angry for two reasons.
After his former lover jilted him, he married another on rebound.
His wife contracted the zika virus when she was pregnant.
His child was born deformed as a result, and his wife died.
He blamed the hospital for her death and his deformed child.
This vengeful man kidnapped the son of his former lover and the story evolves thereafter.

My Favourite Character.

Dr. Steven Sharpe is my favorite character in Zeeka Chronicles.
One fateful day, when Steven was just seven years old, he was riding his bike home after visiting a friend who lived in a secluded part of the city.
His bike broke down, and he was trying to fix it.
A police jeep stopped, and the police officer asked if he could help.
There was no one else in the vehicle.
Steven saw no harm in allowing a police officer to help since they are there to protect and serve.
Or, so he thought.
The police officer came out of the vehicle, looked at his bike, turned it over and tried to repair it.
He then told Steven that it needed to go to a bicycle shop.
He offered to drive Steven home.
Steven trusted the police officer, accepted the lift, and never saw his home and family again.
The police officer, who turned out to be Zeeka, threatened the boy to kill his parents and brother if he ever tried to escape from him.
He boasted about his police connections and Steven was fearful of him and did whatever he asked.
The man could not legally adopt him and changed the boy’s name to Jason Stephens.
He sent him to medical school and he turned out to be the top medical doctor and research scientist on the island of Gosh.
Zeeka tried to use him for evil means.
Dr. Steven Sharpe knew all of Zeeka’s secrets.

Who are the primary readers of your book?

I wrote the book for both mature audiences and young adults.
The book contains five stories in the series, which are being sold separately.

Why should readers buy it?

The benefits to readers are the underlying lessons to be learned from the content, as well as a saving on both paperback and kindle versions. Instead of paying for the five books in the series, it will cost cheaper to buy one book.

How long did it take to write it?

The series took me one year to write.

How did you come up with the title?

I used the name Zeeka because it is the name of the main character and the close relation to the zika virus.

Why did you choose this cover?

My cover designer, Sharon Brownlie, generously donated the cover.
She gives away three covers annually.
I just happened to see her post about it on Facebook and contacted her immediately for the one I used for this book.
The cover depicts the story.

What do you want to say to your readers?
Zeeka Chronicles received a five-star rating from Readers Favorite in September 2017.
I do hope that you enjoy it and will leave a review.

preview: read a sample from this book
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