Showing posts with label Brenda Mohammed. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brenda Mohammed. Show all posts

Monday 15 March 2021





The MANIPULATOR projects a wonderful personality to entice someone into his life.
Once he/she succeeds, true colours show with lies, broken promises, and attempts to control and run the person’s life.
Manipulators only care about themselves and what others think about them.
Whether online or offline, such manipulators are present in the world.
In the first story, you will read of an online situation where Manipulator Stan Stoic, a banker. and Joanna Marsh, a part-time nurse started off as best friends.
Joanna was like his right hand, but Stan had a Jekyll and Hyde personality.
Stan’s urge to manipulate led to serious problems.
Would Joanna be ever able to break free from Stan’s clutches?
In the second story, you will learn about the hardships experienced by a manipulator's wife.
Did Jerry really try to poison Brigitte?
This book contains valuable advice for many in such situations, as well as poems for poetry readers.
Read this psychological thriller to find out more.

Saturday 6 March 2021



THE ANNIVERSARY MAGAZINE OF HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS LITERARY NETWORK has been published. It is an Amazon No 1 Bestseller after one day.
How to Write for Success Literary Network celebrated its third anniversary in February 2021.
Multiple authors contributed Poem Tributes for the celebration of the Anniversary.
The Magazine contains informational articles and beautiful poetry for readers' enjoyment.

Here are the links

Friday 19 February 2021






God made Adam and Eve in His own image.

Told them not to eat of the tree of knowledge.

In the Garden of Eden, he gave a simple command.

They both disobeyed and were exiled from that land.


Tempted by the serpent to eat the fruit the tree did bear.

Eve shared it with Adam and they both became aware.

Of their nakedness, and their minds filled with fear

Ashamed, they hid from God; to face him they couldn’t dare.


God knew what they did, and expelled Eve and Adam.

His purpose in doing so was to prevent the man and woman

From eating of the tree of life and living forever.

Thus, all humans were sentenced to die for Eve’s error.


They were thrown out into a barren earth to dwell

Told to toil and till the earth for their living, as well.

In suffering the woman was destined to bear children

The serpent was to crawl on his belly and live a life of ruin.


But God is forgiving and gave us free will to use.

This gift is God's eternal essence and should not be abused.

Humans possess the knowledge of good and evil.

But we all have free choice to resist the devil.

Copyright@Brenda Mohammed



Sunday 3 January 2021

In 2021 I wish peace and happiness for all humankind.


I thought the year 2020 would have been a wasted year.
It started out badly with the coronavirus scare.
Lost favourite people, had to forego travel and luxuries.
Bur, all in all, I have many pleasant memories.
Strangely, it turned out to be the most productive year.
I can’t believe I produced nine more books in spite of all the fear.
Along with 64 co-writers, ‘A Spark of Hope 2’ was published in February.
In March with 87 co-writers, came ‘Break the Silence,’ another Anthology.
In May, ‘A Road travelled: Poetry to Delight’ made its debut,
Along with mystery novel, ‘What happened to Mary Loo? ‘
‘Barry Holmes Mysteries’ made its appearance in June.
In July, ‘Soothing Poetry in Spanish and English’ followed soon.
In October, ‘The Child Poet’ with Barbara and me, moved quickly.
Also ‘Chaotic Times’ with Florabelle, that we worked on swiftly.
In December, “Sweet Medley” filled with birthday tributes from many.
Added to the number of bestsellers and made me so happy.
With 33 publications and eight more Literary Awards, my Biography grew.
Conferred by MS, Gujarat Sahitya Academy, WNWU, and Peru.
I sing praises to the Creator as the year went by fine.
I welcome 2021, and wish peace and happiness for all humankind.
Copyright@Brenda Mohammed
Brenda Mohammed.

Follow Brenda Mohammed on Amazon at CLICK HERE

Wednesday 2 December 2020



When you give, it comes back to you tenfold. It's a biblical principle.
I gave the kindle version of my book HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS  to celebrate my birthday on 1st December 2020 FREE.  It became Amazon bestseller No 1 in Writing guides. Thanks to everyone who accepted my gift and downloaded it. I have a few more surprises for my faithful subscribers, so keep reading my blog posts.

BIOGRAPHY: Author of the multi-award-winning, mind-blowing futuristic novel Zeeka Chronicles, BRENDA C MOHAMMED, a former Bank Manager from Trinidad is a multi-genre, bestselling, and multi-award-winning author,

To date, she has written twenty-seven books, and co-authored and published two books and three anthologies. Her genres include memoirs, science fiction, romance, self-help, mystery, children’s books, and poetry.

Her self-help book, How to Write for Success, became an important guide for new and aspiring authors. It received a five-star review and a five-star seal from Readers Favorite one month after publication. It also won the gold award in the category non-fiction in Connections EMagazine Readers’ Choice awards 2019 and a silver medal for second place in all genres

She is the Founder of the Literary Forums How to Write for Success, Poems for Suicide Prevention, Library of How to Write for Success, Poems Against Domestic Violence, Regional Director – Operations- Motivational Strips, the world’s most active writers’ forum., Honorary Member of the World Higher Literary Academic Council of World Nations Writers Union, and National President of the Union of Writers, Union Hispaniomundial de Escritores for Trinidad and Tobago.

Brenda was inducted into the Indie Author's Wall of Fame in the USA in January 2020.

She won several literary awards in the USA, Oman, Peru, Kazakhstan, Seychelles, Nigeria, and India, among which are THE PEACOCK oPINION Honour, a distinguished award that falls under LEVEL 1 in terms of all honors summed up, conferred on her by Motivational Strips, and the Gujarat Sahitya Akademi award under State Government of Gujarat, for Literary excellence on par with Global standards.

Wednesday 14 October 2020



CHAOTIC TIMES: POETRY VACCINE FOR COVID19 consists of poems composed by two sisters from Trinidad, Author Brenda Mohammed, and Author Florabelle Lutchman. The book will be a reminder for ourselves and for future generations to read what it was like in the year 2020. The poems within are also therapeutic for the suicidal, depressed, abused, and hopeless. The outstanding Foreword was written by Shiju H Pallithazheth, President and Founder of Motivational Strips. The beautiful cover design was by Motivational Strips, the world’s most active writers’ forum.



Read the brilliant Foreword by Shiju H Pallithazheth below.


"He was the best singer of all times; he passed away yesterday...
Can’t believe that the princess of Spain succumbed to the virus last month..
The President has been tested positive...
The number of cases has gone up...
Dubai government takes health measures and opens up the nation to tourists...
Gosh...what chaos!
Well, I’m sure by now, all of you have got a brief idea of what I’m hinting at. Yes, the world has turned upside down all of a sudden. The mythical blood moon started showing its rays and doomsday rehearsal is going on. Are we all preparing ourselves for a final exit?
We aren’t brain dead. We are still breathing. We are getting back to work. We are brave enough to walk amidst the corpses with a firm determination that as a human, we are blessed to keep hope and thoughts alive.
As prominent writers, Author Brenda Mohammed and Author Florabelle Lutchman relay hope, amusement, and awareness to millions of readers through this book titled ‘Chaotic Times.'
I would say that these two brainy authors have succeeded in letting their writers ink vaccinate our minds to open up and accept challenges during this pandemic. Every poem in ‘Chaotic Times’ reflects the need for saving strength to overcome challenges that may or may not arise during the corona war. Remember that we cannot afford to give up in this war. If you even think of doing so, remember that you are the only odd one, when the entire world is fighting against this big coward. Moreover, humans are well equipped and duly blessed.
They can trace even the unseen health pollutants with crystal clear diagnosis. It’s only a matter of time, Soon we will see the solution. Till then, let’s all read some melodic chimes in poetic treasure. It makes us wiser and more thoughtful during our lifetime. The poems signify historical moments that will remain in literary history.
Let’s all realise that, it’s time to be wiser and more informed. Reading this book would definitely give you amusement and at the same time open your eyes to some literary brilliance on the pandemic. Let me add a composition inspired by this book below.

Hatred on self will never be the remedy.
Pandemic times, an erratic comedy.
Don’t kill hope, to crown it as tragedy.
Let it be just another global malady.
It’s same as war and other things shady.
Be brave, prepared, and ready.
It can’t be worse than what it’s already.
Corona came to us when we were unready.
Now we're getting to face it and ready.
Life will resume and soon be steady.
Eco balancing makes life muddy.
Soon life will be sweet as candy.

So meanwhile, savour this literary candy - a wonderful and most promising book for pandemic times and beyond.

Brenda and Florabelle do know what the world needs at this juncture. Each poem In this literary treasure voices out poetic brilliance and assures us to keep our brows raising. Curiosity will keep you gripped to the pages. Amusement in them will keep you thrilled. Revelations of each poem will keep you informed...what more?
Flip the pages and start reading. ’Chaotic Times’ does have more to what my foreword says.
Happy reading!

Shiju H. Pallithazheth
* Author of Best Seller ‘Katashi Tales’
* Founder - Motivational Strips
* Co-President - World Nations Writers Union
* Executive President - Union Hispanomundial De Escritores
* Global Advisor - Lasosyasyon Lar Sans Frontyer (LLSF), Government of Seychelles

Wednesday 10 June 2020

World's Best Literary Jury Member Award 2020 for Jury members in World's Nations Writers'Union Poetry contests

On 8th June 2020, WORLD NATIONS WRITERS' UNION awarded Jury members with great evaluation skills and who had supported in evaluating hundreds of submissions for various contests conducted by the Union.

After discussing the matter with World Nations Writers Union Co-President Shiju H. Pallithazheth, First Vice President Muhammad Shanazar, and Co-President Carlos Hugo Garrido Chalén, as well as other literary Icons in Kazakhstan's Literary board, they decided that as a memorial to Kazakh's famous poet and literary scholar, Akhmet Baitursynov, they would dedicate a highly valued award similar to the one on the left, to writers with proficiency in literary evaluation.
Trinidadian author Brenda Mohammed was among the first batch of eight recipients for this distinguished honour approved by the Co-Presidents and First Vice President.
The other Jury Members awarded were Sarah Northwood Sabrina Young Sarika Harikumar Shyam Barbara Ehrentreu Bose Eneduwe Adogah Hilal Karahan and Antonio García Pereyra.
We congratulate all awardees, Kairat Duissenov Parman, and the selection committee.

Saturday 25 May 2019

Red River Radio Interviews with Brenda Mohammed

Today I had an interview on Red River Radio hosted by Barbara Ehrentreu.
Barbara is a great host.
Joining us on the show was Shiju H. Pallithazheth Author of Katashi Tales and Founder of Motivational Strips.
Thank you Barbara Ehrentreu for this wonderful interview on your Radio Show. It was lots of fun speaking to you and Shiju H. Pallithazheth.
You were a perfect host.
If readers want to listen to the interview please click on this link.
Here are the Interview Questions and answers:

Where were you born and where do you live now?
Barbara, I was born in Trinidad and I still live here. I have travelled to many Countries all over the world but I love my home in Trinidad.

Besides writing what is your occupation now? What made you decide to stop being a banker and work in insurance? Why did you leave the insurance field if you are not there anymore?
I am a former Bank Manager. My job was to give loans and overdrafts to business people. I turned many of them into millionaires. I took early retirement from Banking and moved into insurance. I also excelled there. But I fell ill and had to go abroad for a few months for treatment. After I got better I wrote a book about my illness. I am Cancer Free. It was a best seller and it won many awards.

Do you have any hobbies?
My hobbies are reading and writing. I go to the movies now and then and travel around the island with my nieces and sisters in my spare time.

Who or what influenced you to begin writing?
As I mentioned earlier, the first book I wrote was, I am Cancer Free. Because of the success of that book, I continued writing.

You have written 21 books and you keep adding to this number. In what way would you say this has changed your life?
Writing has changed my life because it has taken me in a different direction for which I did not plan.
I used to think Banking was the best occupation, but after leaving banking, a whole new world opened up for me.
I was very successful in Insurance and qualified for the Million Dollar Round Table, the Premier Association for Financial Professionals six times in a row.
I was made a Lifetime member of MDRT.
Since I started writing in 2013, I have won several awards and I still cannot believe that my books were that good.

Please tell our listeners about a typical day of writing for you.
I do my writing late at night when it is very quiet and I can concentrate on what I am writing about.
There is no set routine.

I know you have so many books we would need at least ten shows to talk about all of them. Please tell us about your latest one.
I will tell you about Zeeka Chronicles because that book won many awards.
ZEEKA CHRONICLES: REVENGE OF ZEEKA is a science fiction novel that consists of five spine-chilling stories.
It will Take you on a futuristic Journey into the year 2036.
These highly imaginative tales would keep you spellbound.
It is a story of one man's misuse of science for revenge.
Prepare to hold on to your seats as you will encounter zombies, robots using taekwondo skills, and you may have to dodge high tech weapons and shrinkenators.
Handsome doctors like Dr. Raynor Sharpe and Dr. Steven Sharpe along with beautiful Dr. Janet Jones-Sharpe will take care of you at the Gosh hospital.
Intertwined in the first part of this futuristic tale is a romance about Janet and Raynor which will warm your hearts.
The highlight of the story is the life of the protagonist Dr. Steven Sharpe who was kidnapped as a child.
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka was an award winner in the Category Young Adult Thriller in Readers Favorite International Awards 2018, winner in Science Fiction in SIBA Awards 2017, winner of the gold award in the category science fiction in Emagazine Readers' Choice Awards 2018, and winner in the top ten finalists for science fiction in the Author Academy Global Awards 2018,.
Here is an extract from a Readers Favorite Review:
"Brenda Mohammed's writing style is evocative of the future and she handles the science in her fiction brilliantly: reading is believing!
I loved Zeeka Chronicles; it has worldwide appeal for anyone looking for an entertaining story that is different.'

Looking at your bio you have compiled a huge amount of awards. Would you please let our listeners know what they are and why you received them?
In November 2018 I won two awards with Readers Favorite International for two of my books, I AM CANCER FREE in the category Health and Fitness and ZEEKA CHRONICLES in the category Young Adult Thriller.
I travelled to Miami to collect those awards.
I won other awards for some of my other books but those are not as popular as Readers Favorite.
The other awards you see on my Bio are Literature awards that I received from the World Nations Writers Union and Motivational Strips.

You also have written poetry and you are an administrator for Motivational Strips. How is writing poetry different for you than writing prose? Which do you like better?
I was not a poetry writer before joining Motivational Strips.
I grew to love poetry after I became a member and read the fantastic contributions from other members.

What are you doing to promote your latest book? Will you be doing any online or in person promotions?
I do all my promotions on Social Media and they have worked well for me.

What was it like to edit a book like Katashi Tales? As an editor, I understand the problems involved with editing another person’s work. How did the distance and the time affect your working on this book?
I was hesitant at first to take on an editing job.
I had never edited another person’s book before.
I could not refuse a man like Shiju H Pallithazheth.
He is very kind-hearted to all the members in his group and the affiliate groups.
When he approached me I agreed immediately.
The distance and time difference of eight hours did not affect our working on the book.
I always wondered if Shiju slept at all.
He was intent on producing the best book that would be read all over the world, and he succeeded.
I am truly grateful that I had a major role to play in getting that book out to the public.
It was a great deal of fun working with Shiju. He made me laugh a lot.

Please let our listeners know where they can find your books.
All my books can be found on Amazon. Here is the Amazon Universal link. CLICK HERE.

Finally, this is a question I ask all of the people here on Tales from the Pages, are you a pantser or a plotter? In other words, do you just write or do you outline before you write?
Barbara, I do an outline, but I never stick to it because my characters start writing their own stories.
Sometimes the whole plot gets thrown out when I write the dialogue, and the story takes a new and exciting turn.


Monday 3 December 2018

Was this a plan by God?

In 2005 when I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer there were no oncologists in Trinidad.
After the botched hysterectomy when she discovered the tumour, my doctor in Trinidad told me she was sorry.
She said she could do nothing for me and there was no doctor in Trinidad who could help me.
She said that if I had relatives abroad I should go abroad and find a doctor there because it was a matter of life and death.
My daughter was living in Miami and my husband called her.
She promised to check with her doctor for a good oncologist and she found one.
My daughter called back immediately and said that she made an appointment for me on Wednesday.
It was Friday.
My husband asked if I wanted to go on Saturday or Monday to Miami.
I needed more time for the botched surgery to heal and to sort out my thoughts.
I chose Monday.
The rest is history.
That was thirteen years ago.
I wrote I AM CANCER FREE in 2013.
Through sheer luck, and because I won contest entries four times in a row for best forum tips on Readers Favorite, I was able to enter four books for the awards
The four books, which all received five star reviews from Readers Favorite, and which I entered were:

When the results were out on 1st September 2018 I learned that I AM CANCER FREE won an award in the category Health and Fitness, and ZEEKA CHRONICLES won an award in the category Young Adult Thriller.

My husband and I flew to Miami for the Awards Ceremony at the Regency Hotel in Miami held on 17th November 2018.

While seated in the ballroom of the hotel I realized that I was cured in Miami and was receiving an award in Miami for the book I wrote about my cancer experience and one other.
Maybe, it was all in God's plan.
I am the Founder of the Facebook Group HOW TO WRITE FOR SUCCESS and I run a Writers Empowerment program.
The group is affiliated to the Facebook group Motivational Strips.
I also do BOOK REVIEWS for members of the group.
If you wish to join here is the link. CLICK HERE

Wednesday 14 November 2018


Today three authors from different parts of the world have united to share their stories with you.

I am a multi-genre author from Trinidad and I will be travelling from Trinidad to Miami to attend the Readers Favorite International Awards 2018 at the Regency Hotel, Miami on November 17th 2018 to collect an award for my science fiction novel Zeeka Chronicles:Revenge of Zeeka in the category Young Adult Thriller.
In fact, I will be collecting two awards.
One is for my book, I am Cancer free - A Memoir but I will talk about that book in another post.

Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka won four awards over the past two years.
1. Award winner in the Category Young Adult Thriller in Readers Favorite International Awards 2018.

2. Winner of the gold award in the category science fiction in Emagazine Readers' Choice Awards 2018.

3. Top ten finalist in the Author Academy Global Awards 2018.

4.Winner in Science Fiction in SIBA Awards 2017.

Set in the year 2036 these unique and terrific stories about a vengeful man named Zeeka, and his zombie creation would keep you on the edge of your seat.
Intertwined in the first part of this futuristic tale is a romance about Janet and Raynor which will warm your hearts.
The highlight of the story is the life of the protagonist Dr. Steven Sharpe who was kidnapped as a child.
Here is an extract from a Readers Favorite Review: "Brenda Mohammed's writing style is evocative of the future and she handles the science in her fiction brilliantly: reading is believing!
I loved Zeeka Chronicles; it has worldwide appeal for anyone looking for an entertaining story that is different.
The book is available on all Amazon Stores. CLICK HERE

The next Author is Clayton Graham from the United Kingdom.
His book Saving Paludis was a Finalist in the Readers’ Favorite 2018 International Book Awards.

An alien revolution centuries in the making will change humanity’s destiny forever …

Police agent Stefan Lattanzis never expected his planet to become a battlefield, nor Earth for that matter. But when scientists from Paludis share a technological breakthrough with Earth authorities, peace escalates to the brink of war in a hurry.
It doesn’t help that the local aliens have a dangerous and mystifying agenda of their own.
Meanwhile, a desperate human cult has its own plans to exploit the powerful new technology…

To keep his home world alive, Stefan must team with two strangers, a botanist and a mysterious seer.
As embattled factions vie for control of the universe, the trio must trust in each other to keep the new technology from ripping time and space apart.
Saving Paludis is an electrifying sci-fi thrill-ride.
If you like futuristic technology, alien political intrigue, and high-octane, paranormal action, then you’ll love Clayton Graham’s interstellar adventure!
Here is the Amazon UK LINK. CLICK HERE.

Our next Author is Anne Francis Scott from the United States.
Her book is LOST GIRL.
Lost Girl is a Readers' Favorite Award Finalist in Paranormal Fiction

If the dead spoke to you, would you listen?
Or would you close your senses, tune out the whispers, pretend you couldn’t hear.
Maybe run.
To where?
Find me . . .

Renowned sculptor Allison Weathers doesn’t believe in ghosts. But when a tragic twist of fate leads her to the small mountain town of Dawson Mills, Tennessee, she soon learns that the dead don't always stay silent. Shadows begin to shift in the rambling, old Victorian farmhouse she’s purchased. Voices come from nowhere. She can feel the eyes on her.

Paul Bradford, a contractor who is bidding the renovation work on the house, believes it’s more than just Allison’s imagination conjuring up the paranormal activity. Toni Harper, a reporter for the local paper, concurs. She’s heard snippets of hand-over-the-mouth gossip from some of the town’s deputies who responded to calls in the middle of the night. Ghosts. Or so the former owner claimed in the few months before his death.

The secrets they unearth rock Allison right down to the core. Thrust into a haunted world where the paranormal and evil collide, she has one hope of survival: unravel the sinister history buried for decades within the old farmhouse, and find the link to a muddled piece of her past.

Lost Girl by Anne Francis Scott is a paranormal mystery/ghost story with chilling scenes at the fringe of horror.

Get the Book at this link. CLICK HERE.

I hope that you enjoy these books.

Wednesday 10 October 2018

Meet Author Brenda Mohammed

Interview with multi-genre author Brenda Mohammed
Posted: October 10, 2018 | Author: kayelynnebooth | Filed under: Author Profile, Books, Fiction, Interview, Memoir, Nonfiction, Science Fiction, Travel, Writing | Tags: Author Interview, Brenda Mohammed, Memoir, Science Fiction, Travel Memoir

Brenda Mohammed Portfolio

I have the pleasure of interviewing independent author Brenda Mohammed today. She is not only a multi-genre author, but a multi-award winning author, who seems to dabble in a bit of everything. She comes from a background in finance, but became an author when she wrote a memoir about her battle with ovarian cancer. Since then, she’s written several other memoirs, as well as a science fiction series, a horror novel and a crime novel, as well as a wonderful self-help book for aspiring authors. She has done so much, and made so many travels, and I’m thrilled to have her share all that with us here, on Writing to be Read. Please give a warm welcome to Brenda Mohammed.

Kaye: When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Brenda: I never planned to be an author. I was a successful Bank Manager for many years. After I retired from the Bank at an early age, I became an Insurance Professional. I loved working in Finance and helping many people achieve their financial goals. In 2005 I was stricken with ovarian cancer. My doctor in Trinidad told me that she could not help me, and no other doctor in Trinidad at that time was qualified to do so. I sought treatment in Miami and gained a new lease on life. In 2013 I wrote a book about my cancer ordeal and recovery, I am Cancer Free. That was my first book and I have never stopped writing after that. To date I have written nineteen books.

Kaye: You’ve written 6 memoirs, 2 children’s books, a science fiction series, a crime novel, and a nonfiction book on writing. What’s the secret to tackling so many different genres?

Brenda: There really is no secret to writing in multiple genres. I have always loved a challenge and constantly seek out new opportunities. I write whatever I feel passionate about.

Kaye: You have written books in multiple genres: science fiction, memoir, self-help, etc… What are some of the differences you run into in writing different genres?

Brenda: When I am writing science fiction I maintain my focus on science fiction, and similarly with the other genres. The secret is to stay focused on the plot or the subject to achieve the end result. However, the problem I faced was in promoting my books.
I discovered a way around that and made Facebook Author pages for each genre. I have seven Facebook author pages. I also joined several Facebook groups that specialise in genres in which I write, to promote my books.

Kaye: Which genre is your favorite to write in? Why?

Brenda: I really enjoyed writing my science fiction series because it took me to another world for a while. When I wrote it I found myself becoming the hero or heroine and doing impossible things.

Kaye: You won a Readers’ Favorite Award in the 2018 International Book Awards for both your YA science fiction series Zeeka Chronicles,and your memoir I Am Cancer Free. What, if anything do these two books have in common besides both being Reader’s Favorite Book Award recipients? What makes them award winning books?

Brenda: Strange. I think I just answered that question above. The books have nothing in common yet there is a common thread. One is a futuristic thriller and the other is a survival story. As I said above when writing science fiction. i.e. Zeeka Chronicles, I found myself becoming the hero or heroine. In I am Cancer Free I am the heroine.
Seriously though, I quote from Readers Favorite: “Contest entries are judged all year long and are given a rating score based on key literary elements. The judges simply read the book and score it based on its merits.”

Kaye: Those are not the only award winning books you’ve written. Two other memoirs, My Life as a Banker received a second place award in memoirs in the Metamorph Publishing’s Summer Indie Book Awards in 2016 and Your Time is Now received IHIBRP 5 Star Recommended Read Award Badge. What can you tell us about those two books?

Brenda: My Life as a Banker is a memoir about my life in Banking. Banking was my first love. I always wanted to work in a bank. I love serving and helping people and seeing them prosper. Banking gave me the opportunity to do so and especially when I climbed the ranks to Commercial Area Credit Manager and was able to help business people with startups and expansion. Banking allowed me to play my part in building the economy of my native country, Trinidad.
Your Time is Now is intended to help people understand their own lives and to realize that we are all here on earth for a purpose.
The reviews for both these books speak a lot for them.

Kaye: What is it like to receive notification that your book is the recipient of a prestigious award?

Brenda: I have won many awards before in both Banking and my home country.
However, as this was an International Award it was a most joyous feeling to tell my friends and family that I won two prestigious awards with Readers Favorite International and will be attending the Awards Ceremony in Miami. In November.

Kaye: What’s something most readers would never guess about you?

Brenda: I dabble in art, poetry, and graphics in my spare time. Some of my art work hang on the walls of my home.

Kaye: What time of day do you prefer to do your writing? Why?

Brenda: I prefer to write in the still of the night. When everyone is asleep I find peace to think and write.

Kaye: What is the biggest challenge of being a writer?

Brenda: Only a few days ago I penned this poem about writing:

Writing takes me into a fantasy world.

Sometimes I find myself in a black hole.

I edit and fight to come out of it

But not before I get into a fit.

My books have gathered great reviews

Won awards and made the news.

Is it worth it, I sometimes ask?

Writing a book is a great task.

A writer’s life is a rather lonely one.

All day behind a computer is no fun.

An author must make the time

Read others’ books and go out and lime.

Do not sit at your computer all day.

Join the family in travel and play

Love of a family is life’s greatest gift

When you need to relax they give you a lift.

Kaye: Is there anything unique or unusual about your writing process?

Brenda: Before writing a story I write an outline of the entire plot in a couple of pages. I then use that to build my story. It sounds simple, but it is not.

Kaye: Your book on writing is titled How to Write for Success: Best Writing Advice I Received. Can you briefly share what the best writing advice you ever received really was? What is the main message of this book?

Brenda: The Best Writing Advice I Received was “Keep the Reader in mind when writing. In other words write for the reader and your books will sell.”
To answer the second part of the question I will quote one of the five-star reviews. The one from Readers Favorite is too long so I will share this one from an Amazon Reviewer:
“Having read a couple of Mohammed’s books, I knew I wouldn’t be disappointed in this self-help book, and I was not. The book covers not only the gamut on the art of writing, but the formulation of an idea for a book, to proofreading, and eventual marketing of his/her book. This is an excellent book for anyone who finds him/herself contemplating becoming a writer. With Mohammed’s book in hand, there should be little, if any, room for error. I highly recommend.”

Kaye: You like to travel. Do the places you travel end up in your books?

Brenda: Yes they do and they did. I wrote Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the world. It is an illustrated picture book filled with reflections of my travels around the world.

In this pictorial travel book of my priceless memories, I describe places visited and the wonderful times I and my family had in our tourist trips. The book is great to read while on a vacation or for some travel inspiration.

I want to thank Brenda Mohammed for joining us here today and sharing a little about her lovely books. You can learn more about Brenda and her books on Amazon at: I love how she turned her own life experiences into books to be shared by all.

Like this post? Follow Brenda on Amazon.

Tuesday 19 December 2017

Auyhor Interview by AllAuthor with Author Brenda Mohammed

Brenda Mohammed, a former banker, is an award-winning, multi-genre writer and a cancer survivor. In 2013, Brenda wrote her first book, “I am Cancer Free”, after her near death experience with cancer. She wanted to tell the world that cancer is not a death sentence, but a battle that you have to fight and win. Her travel opportunities, thanks to her banking job, has helped Brenda with the creative process of an author. Her book "Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the world" is a travelogue compiling all her picturesque travels around the globe. Brenda is blessed with a supportive family and acknowledging friends who have encouraged her throughout her life and her writing career. Her daughter reads every book Brenda writes and gives her pointers. Follow her on Amazon.

Tell us a little about your hometown and your life there growing up. What did your parents do for a living?

I live in Vistabella with my husband.
It is a beautiful town in Trinidad. Our house overlooks the ocean.
Trinidad is an island and surrounded by sea.
I did not grow up in Vistabella.
My father was a headmaster and worked all over the island at different times in his career.
As a small child, I lived in headmaster’s houses in Claxton Bay, Penal, and in Sangre Grande when he gained promotion as an Inspector of Schools. My mother was a handicraft teacher.
I wrote all about my childhood in my memoir, A Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living.

What made you decide to give up your job as a Bank Manager and pursue writing? What were your parents' reactions when they found out you wanted to write full time?

I did not give up my job as a Bank Manager.
I reached the compulsory retirement age for female staff.
At that time, females were allowed to retire at a much earlier age than males.
I obtained a job in an Insurance Company as a Financial Advisor and continued working.
I wrote my first book, “I am Cancer Free,” in 2013, after my near death experience with cancer.
I wanted to tell the world that cancer is not a death sentence.
My writing career started then.
My parents were not alive when I started writing.

When did you move to the Island of Trinidad and has it any way helped your creative process as an author?

I was born in Trinidad.
I have had many travel opportunities with my jobs in Banking and Insurance and that has helped me with the creative process as an author.

What or who inspired the name "Zeeka" and his character? Does the name have a deeper meaning?

The Zika virus inspired the name ‘Zeeka.’
I built the story on the premise that a doctor discovered a cure for the disease but the hospital did not approve of its use.
Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka won Best Science Fiction Third Place in SIBA Awards 2017.

Do you think it was harder or easier writing about your own life in "My Life as a Banker" as opposed to making a story up from the top of your head?

It is easier to write a true memoir than to write fiction.
With a memoir, you already know the facts.
With non-fiction, you have to build a plot, create a story world, form characters, and many other factors have to be taken into consideration.

Have you ever got into legal trouble while researching, writing, or publishing any book?


Why did you write the book "She Cried For Me: Autobiography Of A Dog"? What were some things you hoped to achieve with this book?

When my pet dog died, I wanted to immortalize her.
The only way to do so was to write her story.
She was a dog who was badly treated by her previous owner before I adopted her.
She Cried for Me is a remarkable story for pet and dog lovers.
Proceeds from sales of the Book will go to the Animals Alive Dog Rescue Shelter, the Sanctuary referred to in the Book.

On whose life did you base the book "Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan" after? Of all your books, which one made you the most emotional?

Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan was about the life of my father.

Of all my books, this book made me the most emotional.
My father had to overcome many obstacles in his life to become a trailblazer in Education in Trinidad.
He climbed the ladder from classroom management to school principal and superintendent of schools.
Later in life, he became a Presiding Elder in his church and preached many sermons, some of which are appended to his biography.
His story is both motivational and inspiring.

We know that all a writer's books are like their children, but if you had to choose, which one would you say is your favourite?

My favourite is Zeeka Chronicles: Revenge of Zeeka.

It was hard work writing the five stories in the series and compiling them into one book.
The series scored a double with Readers Favorite.
I had compiled the first three books into a trilogy called Revenge of Zeeka: Horror Trilogy.
In September 2016, I submitted the trilogy to Readers Favorite for a free review.
The book received a five-star review and five-star seal.
The following year I added two more books to the series - Zeeka’s Ghost Book 4 and Resurrection Book 5.
I compiled the five books into one book called Zeeka Chronicles.
I sent it to Readers Favorite and it received a five-star review and five-star seal.
My greatest wish is for that book to be made into a movie.

What does your family think of your writing? Who has been your biggest source of support throughout your career?

My husband, our two children, and sisters are supportive of my writing.
My daughter reads every book I write and gives me pointers.
My son shares almost all of my posts about my books on Facebook.

When it comes to writing self-help books, what are some golden rules you like to follow? Where or from whom did a majority of the advice you give out in "How to Write for Success" come from?

I wrote that book based on my own experiences in writing.
The book covers plotting, writing dialogue and narrative, building your story world, choosing a book title, writing the blurb, what an author should do before and after publishing, choosing categories, creating an author brand, book marketing, and most of all how to get sales and reviews.
It does not end there.

A reviewer had this to say about the book. "If you are thinking of writing a book but don't know where to start, then this book is the one for you.
It's a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the process from picking your topic, deciding on your cover to how to sell your book once it's out there in the marketplace.
I found many interesting facts and tips here and jotted them down as I went along.
This is a book to keep and refer to on a continual basis.
Well worth buying and a must-have for all writers!"
I acknowledged for its innovativeness and recommended it as one of the best website providers.
The book was on pre-order on Amazon for 0.99 cents until it was published on 1 st December 2017 when the price increased to $2.99.
It is also available in print.
To date, it has received five five-star reviews.

What is the best vacation you've ever been on?

I have been on several wonderful vacations and they are all detailed in my book, Travel Memoirs with Pictures.

However, my very first vacation was a mega one.
It was a trip to New York, Canada, London, Germany, and Holland.
I described that trip in my book, My Life as a Banker.
That trip stands out in my mind.

Are you working on anything new? What are some new topics or stories that you want to experiment with in the future?

On November 21st, 2017 I published a free book containing exciting excerpts of all my works called Icebreakers.

The purpose of that book is to give Readers a taste of my writing.
It is available FREE at Instafreebie and Books2Read.
I am also experimenting with other topics for fiction but those will be surprises.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Author Interview by Geetanjali Mukherjee

Author Interview

Author Interview: Brenda Mohammed by Geetanjali Mukherjee

Today's author interview is with Brenda Mohammed, who is based in Trinidad. Interesting coincidence, my dad was actually born in Trinidad and grew up there, before moving to India with his parents. That's what is so great about being able to connect with people from all over the world online!

Welcome Brenda and thanks for sharing your work with us.

1. When did you first start writing?
My name is Brenda Mohammed and I live In Trinidad in the Caribbean. I am a former Bank Manager and Insurance Professional. I wrote my first book, Memoirs of Dr. Andrew Moonir Khan in 1989, while I was still employed at the bank. I did that book out of love for my deceased father who was a great educator. However, I did not publish the book at that time. I revised it in 2014 and published it on Amazon and CreateSpace.

2. What are your books about? Are you self / traditionally published or hybrid?
I am a self-published multi-genre author and I have written thirteen books to date:
Memoirs of Dr. A. M. Khan (2014) - This book is about
the life of her father who was a great educator.
My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living (2014) - The author's autobiography.
Retirement is Fun: A New Chapter (2014) - Sequel to My Life as a Banker.
Stories People Love (2014) – Stories of Hope and Love
Adventures of Squeaky Doo (2014)- A Children’s series of stories.
Your Time Is Now: A Time to be Born and a Time to Die (2014) - A Book on Spirituality
I am Cancer Free (2013) - The author’s bout with ovarian cancer.
Heart-Warming Tales (2014) - Tales of mystery, love, and crime.
Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the world (2014)- A chronicle of the author’s travels around the world.
Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies [2016]- A mystery thriller released on Feb 21st 2016.
Revenge of Zeeka : Zeeka's Child [2016] - Book 2 of Revenge of Zeeka Revenge of Zeeka : Zeeka Returns [2016] - Book 3 of Revenge of Zeeka
Revenge of Zeeka: A Trilogy [2016] - The Complete Trilogy
I have written a series of Inspirational poems which are included in my publication Your Time is now.

3. What led to your love for literature? Any favorite books / teachers / writing mentors?
Again, it was my father’s influence that drove me to love literature. He had a library full of every kind of books – even books for children, and I indulged a lot in these books. He was a great educator.

4. What's your writing process like? Do you outline? Do you write by hand / type / dictate?
I use my computer. When I have an idea for a story I start typing on my computer. I go back and make changes if the characters I come up with do not fit in with the plot, which I expand on as the ideas flow from my mind. So I have no prepared outline….only ideas.

5. What's your editing process?
I read and re-read until I am sick of reading and then pass it on to a sister to do the final edits. My sister is a retired school principal and is good at editing.

6. Any favorite apps / software / technology for writing?
I use Microsoft 2013.

7. Any favorite apps / software / websites for marketing and promotion?
I believe in Amazon and CreateSpace. They not only publish my books free, but they advertise them. I also like as they promote all my books for a very small fee of $15.00.
Goodreads is also a reliable website with free promotions. and are two wonderful websites that I have recently discovered. They provide superb service and publish author interviews for free. I love them.

8. What did you find most / least useful in learning to write?
I learned that it is not as easy as I thought it would be. Writing takes up time and energy and one can get carried away and forget about other duties. To be a writer one has to balance time. We need the support of loved ones and they need us too.

9. Who or what inspires you? Where / how do you get your book ideas?
My ideas just come to my head when I am in the bathroom or in the middle of the night. I just get a burning desire to write my thoughts and that is what spurs me on.

10. When in the day do you usually write? For how long?
I am most productive at night…between 8.00pm to 11.00pm when there is quiet all around.

11. Do you have a writing routine / schedule? Any specific rituals?
No. Whenever I get ideas I write.

12. Where do you feel most inspired to write?
I have a small library at home with my desk and computer and that is where I do my writing.

13. Describe your desk / writing corner / favorite writing spot.
As I said above, my writing spot is in my library.

14. Do you listen to music while you write? What kind of music?
No. I prefer quiet.

15. Do you ever get writers' block? What are some ways you get around it?
I had writer’s block in 2015. I joined several authors groups and interacted with other authors and bought their books, read and reviewed them, etc. In 2016 I read in the newspapers about the Zika virus and the problems it was causing internationally. I got my idea then to start a series Revenge of Zeeka.

The first story was published Feb 21st 2016 – Revenge of Zeeka: Zeeka and the Zombies. It was a hit.

16. Do you now, or did you ever have any day jobs? Did they add to or detract from your writing?
No. I have no day jobs. [Editor's Note: Brenda worked in banking and insurance previously.]

17. How do you make the time to write?
I have a very supportive husband who helps me a lot with grocery shopping and cooking.

18. How much research do you do? What kind?
If I need to do research on a subject for a book I am doing I would check the Internet. However, they never have what I am looking for so I have to figure it out by myself or ask other relatives or friends who are qualified in that field.

19. How much marketing do you do? Which platforms are you most active on?
I am active on Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Google Plus, and Pinterest.

20. What’s the most fun aspect of marketing? The most challenging?
Facebook is fun because I get lots of friends and likes as well as comments. However, I get no sales for my books. With Twitter, I get thousands of hits and wish I could get thousands of sales, but that certainly is not the case.

21. What books do you like to read? What are you reading now?

I am reading books by other authors. I read all genres.

Brenda Mohammed, a multi-genre author, lives on the beautiful tropical island of Trinidad in the Caribbean. A former banker and Insurance Professional, she turned to writing after she retired from the Corporate world. Brenda loves to travel and enjoys a game of Scrabble when she is not writing. She has written five memoirs, one children's book, two books of short stories, one book on spirituality, and one mystery thriller series.

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