Showing posts with label spiritual memoir. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spiritual memoir. Show all posts

Friday 15 June 2018

Why I wrote Seven Memoirs.

At one time I was the youngest in my class in elementary school.
I was also the youngest in my class in High School
When I started to work at the bank I was the youngest employee.
That is no longer the case.
I am now one of the oldest members of my family.
Life changes, but it is worth living.
In my memoir, My Life as a Banker: A Life Worth Living, I tell it all.

After retiring from Banking, I moved on the Insurance Underwriting which took me on a whirlwind of travel and adventure. It is all detailed in Retirement is Fun: When one door closes another opens.

My children grew up and left the nest. That coupled with my Insurance job necessitated many travels. The result was a spin-off story about my travels. Travel Memoirs with Pictures: Exploring the world was written to record my travel adventures.

Life is not always a bed of roses and I soon realized that when a bout of ovarian cancer almost claimed my life. I lived to tell my story in a book, I am Cancer Free - A Memoir in which I assured others that cancer does not have to be a death sentence.

The scare of cancer helped me to assess my life and connect bible quotations and references to certain events in my life. I wrote Your Time is Now: A Time to be born and a Time to Die to connect those dots.

Dr. Andrew M. Khan was my father. 
He started writing his memoirs a few months prior to his death in 1975, but unfortunately, his call by his Maker prevented him from publishing it. 
In 1989, while I was still working at a bank I compiled the book, Memoirs of Dr. Andrew M. Khan: Journey of an Educator, from his diaries and other hand-written papers.  
A Foreword was written by the former Chief Justice of Trinidad and Tobago Sir Isaac Hyatali [now deceased].
The finished product was made available to friends and relatives and was not published for the wider public. 
This book is a new and revised version.  
I wrote the book because I loved my father and felt that the life of a great Educator who rose to great heights from a humble upbringing despite several setbacks in his life, and the primitive times in which he lived, deserved to be recorded

When my pet dog died I wanted to tell her story. It is a story for all pet and dog lovers. She Cried for Me will touch your heart and I hope that you will read it.

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